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Whitewater Rafting Guide To River Trips

Cotes du Rhone

Ardeche is known as the “Chestnut Capitol” of France and is home to the famous Cotes du Rhone wine region. Ardeche also offers whitewater rafting trips on the famous and popular l’Ardeche River, whose class III-IV rapids will satisfy both adventurous novice rafters as well those with prior experience.

Ardeche River Rafting Trips (Class III-IV):
The "Grand Canyon" of the Cotes du Rhone region, the Ardeche River canyon is an outdoor mecca for hikers, climbers, kayakers, and rafters.

Go Rafting with A Commercial Outfitter is currently seeking qualified outfitters for Featured Listings in this region. If you are a local rafting outfitter and would like to see your company listed here, please contact us for more information.